First Seven Seasons

Season one Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
1. Murder by the Book
1. Étude in Black
I watched this one far later; I've seen it twice only
1. Lovely but Lethal
Oh what a good episode. in the top-three favorites. That being said it did feel kind of cheap, even with the budget being as high as it is.
1. An Exercise in Fatality
The show goes back to being corny here, but in a more high end way this time. great writing! But a low budget...
1. Forgotten Lady
saddest episode of all time. I hate it. makes me cry too much. wahhh... kinda triggering for someone in an aging family.
1. Fade in to Murder only three episodes?! They are the best though. This one is so interesting. Also, two Star Trek actress in the same episode! What the hell, where is Spock? 1. Try and Catch Me contender for favorite episode. The murderer is a little old woman, and she's so freaking adorable. She's also an author! Bottled on Agatha Christie! And what's even more magical is that columbo doesn't hold back. It also she only killed the victim because the victim was also a murderer! Revenge episode!
2. Death Lends a Hand
2. The Greenhouse Jungle
I never liked it, but the writing is superb
2. Any Old Port in a Storm
top three. flawless episode. flawless. so good. possibly #1 or #2.
2. Negative Reaction
dick van dyke is a dick!! haha; its another flawless episode, but dammit if he ain't just so abrasive. I watch it rarely, just because it hurts to see dick as a dick. he's such a wonderful person!! :((
2. A Case of Immunity I hate this episode very much. So awkward. I'd hate being a diplomat! 2. Old Fashioned Murder so moving. This is one of the only episodes where the murderer is a woman, and the only episode where the woman is all evil, and possibly a lot more equal than many of the men. She's insidious, doesn't give a shit about people, until she does. So moving. So magical. Such damn good writing. 2. Murder Under Glass some of the ickiest writing in the whole show. Columbo's acting goes downhill from here, while everyone else'a acting goes way up. This is the weird middle ground episode, where Columbus acting hasn't gone completely down yet, and everyone else is acting has gone completely up yet. It's awkward for that reason.
3. Dead Weight 3. The Most Crucial Game
good writing, I still don't fully understand it!
3. Candidate for Crime
Another flawless episode, but not top three. I get crevings for this one all the time. so creative. reminds me of campagning for obama...
3. By Dawn's Early Light
So good it hurts. The pacing, writing, easily top five. But it hurts to watch, because its SO good. One of the lower watch-counts for this reason.
3. Identity Crisis *again one of the more awkward episodes. However, this one is one of my favorites, just because it's a breath of fresh air. 3. The Bye-Bye Sky High I.Q. Murder Case another smart murderer! This one is only interesting because that's his only interesting attribute. This one is also one of the episodes where the reason for murdering the victim is sort of confusing. 3. Make Me a Perfect Murder here we have the next stage in the acting hand off. The writing in this episode is very fun, all about high-end TV executives, and it's yet another female murderer, and a very strong one. Earlier on in the show women were sort of dismissed in the writing, whereas now, they are definite forces to be reckoned with. This episode is very exciting!
4. Suitable for Framing
this one is fun; very prototypical columbo
4. Dagger of the Mind
I don't have this one, so funny, I miss it
4. Double Exposure
worst of a flawless season, which is to say one of the best of the show. Writing, locations, acting, all flawless, but it feels just a tiiiny bit off. Still one of my favorites.
4. Playback
The actor is just so icky. But it's so incredible. techie episode!!
4. A Matter of Honor The season picks up here! One of the three vacation episodes for columbo, where they have to write in why exactly he's solving a crime supposed to be solved by someone else. 4. How to Dial a Murder I watched this episode very late. I've only seen it once or maybe twice.
5. Lady in Waiting
worst episode; mysoginistic as well
5. Requiem for a Falling Star
you feel so sorry for the murderer, but then you find out... such genius writing oml
5. Publish or Perish
this season might be the best one, another flawless episode. This one you can really feel how evil the murderer is.
5. A Deadly State of Mind
so facinating. the criminal is pure evil, for sure. he's very cruel, but insidious. very manipulative. drugs drugs drugs!!
5. Now You See Him another masterpiece! This actor is such a good columbo villain. So thrilling! Nazis! 5. The Conspirators yippee funny Irish man!!! Pretty much the sum of the episode. Columbus acting is actually abysmal here. Pretty much from here on out columbo goes downhill. He's still our funny little rumbled goofy little guy, but darn if he didn't kind of just give up. He did what he meant to do. Everything after this point, in my opinion, isn't Canon. So sad. Goodbye funny little detective. You'll always be here.
6. Short Fuse
I don't have this one. one of my favorites, the murderer is so unique (im just like him fr)
6. A Stitch in Crime
SPOCK SPOCK SPOCK OMGOMG uhhh yeah it's a great episode i guess. And Columbo gets MADD
6. Mind Over Mayhem
*they're all flawless here. This one is so refreshing to watch, idk why. *
6. Last Salute to the Commodore *One of my favorite episodes just because of how weird it is. This is one of the episodes where I can't actually figure out why or how or what is happening. Very very very confusing episode. There is also an undeniable sexual tension happening here. Between men?! Gay columbo?! *
7. Blueprint for Murder
the murderer is so smart... the victim is so big texan, too haha
7. The Most Dangerous Match
smart murderer. so much fun, and the victim is so precious awww
7. Swan Song
#1. enough said. I don't like talking about this one. it's too good.
8. Double Shock
one of the oddly low-quality ones with massive budgets... special effects are seamless, and characters are so nice, but it feels off...
8. A Friend in Deed
FLAWLESS. writing perfect, acting perfect, twist ending, characters, scenes, locations... flawless. so effortlessly flawless. perfect ending to the best season.