//STARBUX BLOG\\ TOEBEANS' VOIDSCREAM ABOUT HIS STARBUCKS ADVENTURES. ((see therealtoebeans.com/voidscreams for further info)) (05/01/24)[ I've had a strange experience in Panera. (Yeah, this'll be about more than just sb) I bought a coffee with a giftcard (thx monsterr.party hehe) and the cashier literally bent over the counter and clicked the 50 cent tip button FOR me. I was about to click the 75 cent version, so her loss ig??? but it was very strange, ngl! anywa, when I go out, I do typically go to starbucks. I hate their coffee, turns out, so I get hot water and just make my own loose leaf tea. so whatever. but I had a gc so I decided to get Panera coffe instead. I was kinda shocked, since I don't go there often, when the lady who scammed (?) me (lol) just handed me an empty cup. I asked for a hot coffe, but I meannnnnnnn Who's gonna just get that???????????? So you go to their mutiple drink stations in the seating floor, and just grab any drink you want? so that's kinda cool. i got a cookie too. it was like 7 bucks, which is fuckin BATSHIT but ok. So I decided to get my fancy mug out, and just filled it up???! WHAT??? So I tried their iced coffee. It was not bad. I'm weird and like my coffee cold. And black. Yeah I'm weird, but the coffe was decent. It wasn't actually all that dark, while still being... pretty damn dark. Just not fuckin BLASTED like some other places. So that's cool. I also tried their decaf with half-and-half. It was perfectly reasonable. Perfectly servicable. Not sure what the difference was, tho! I noticed these little black floaty thingies on it tho, it was grosssss but I dealt with it, it was fine. The half and half was perfectly servicable, tho! totally doable. I enjoyed both drinks. not offencive at all. they def did exactly what they set out to do: get coffee in my mouth that isn't OFFENCIVE. some places can't do that. Starbucks does haha ok bye have good cya ily ] (05/09/24)[ I left my guitar at a starbux, and they stayed open till I could grab it in the evening at like 9 when they close at 7, so that was cool also the boba knockoff crap theyre doing rn sucks a** its fake and tastes like sh** also its like 7 dollars or some crap oml just go to boba addict or some s**t i mean really ]