~FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF TOEBEANS~ info: { here you will find spillage and overflow from the notebooks of TOEBEANS. } NOTEBOOK SPILLAGE BEGIN! *** [(this website)"Considering the future of VSX"] { My little project of a website is really filling out. I like the idea of having a number of ifferent blog-like collections of text. The starbucks journal seems dormant. I don't really feel like doing that one. The Infodump seems more likely! This one seems like it could replace a lot of other things. But really, it should be kept to just infodumps. I want more!! Infodump is more of a special interest dump. What if there's another one just for inner workings and behinds the scenes thinking? That one would be called "Notebookings" or something like that. "Notebook Spillage?" I'll think of something. Voidscream is largely general life updates. "Associate Post" would be just updates about pals. Writing about my pals and how they're doing. "Photog" would obviously be just photographs that I post. That would mean that I could link to them! They'd all be in one place! Now much storage would that take, though? What if there's a tier system, with the more recent ones being the highest quality? There's certainly a computer program which exclusively shrinks images! Then there's an internalized "linked-to" folder, for the ones that I link to often. This keeps with the "you don't own this information" maxim of my online life. I don't like my work being a resource. I like my work to be granted grudgingly, like, "this belongs to me, but you can look at it for a second... if you ask nicely??" Keep thinking about this philosophy. } *** [(tes)"I want more obscure distribution!!"] { TORRENTS!! this would be really cool to have a fancy, enhanced, or deluxe edition of the website only available by torrent. This would also be how I would distribute any films I eventually make!! Physical Media!! I want something I can hand to someone directly that they own and have full access to forever. SD/Micro SD cards Easiest way to physically hand someone the files. CD/DVD Too obscure. Would be fun though! QR Code to download link Probably best, but too easy. } *** [(tes)"Nov23 22"] { # reciever: invisible fans of the art created by and consisting of tes, the personified art project created by the entity which created the separate personified art project known as TOEBEANS, -dated 11_23_22- RE: disinterest{ _ "GuestRoom Update" coming soon - will not sleep tonight for to design and code GuestRoom _ "Sasha's Peace" a standalone sub-project yet created; unreleased. _ask and ye may receive unrestricted access into the invite only living art project that is tes -tes } *** [(thorsmith.com (unreleased))"New Website Outline"]{ Brief: The website is more of a professional site than anything else. It's what I would put on my professional business card or give to prospective employers, rather than therealtoebeans.com and certainly over tescreates.art. It should include sanitary information, like what I'm doing professionally, what I'm planning on doing, and maybe a blog to keep people coming back. Memorable, but in a professional, sanitary way, rather than a brash, blatantly individualistic kind of way. Points: ○ Consider using WordPress for this one. I want it looking professional. ○ Will there be secrets? Or will this be a supremely simple webpage, purely for professional and cordial use cases? therealtoebeans.com may be a better use for this. OUTLINE: - main page (brief whoami, general contact info, links to other pages and websites) ○ Blog § Unique page for each entry ... ○ Business card (this page is brief, with links to specific things) § Whoami (detailed) □ LInk to resume § Socials (main page has: public insta, @theunrealtoebeans youtube, spotify playlists; all santitary only) □ Pages for specific items ○ Downloads § Resume § Printable things □ ... Presets for various things } *** [()""]{ } [(Music)"Things To Sample"]{ https://youtube.com/shorts/eOToPEGC59M?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/DCRRVvC0sfM?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/DPGL8X2fCaY?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/uDefqrYY200?feature=share ^end only https://youtube.com/shorts/L7rTRvjR3sg?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/RLP7cyzAbRc?feature=share https://youtu.be/LERv1qJIpQY https://youtu.be/ZAEM2NZ9EIg } [(VOIDSCREAM)"I do be biking tho"]{ I do be biking tho Friday, September 1, 2023 11:44 AM Bought an ebike. Feels great, I dig it. I kinda half wish it had a throttle, but it feels insanely good to still have that physical, cyclical aspect to transportation. Cars and other non-human powered vehicles have no soul... bikes are the only way for me... just let me ride away. <3 } [(VOIDSCREAM)"[KID A MNESIA IS THE BEST ALBUM TO EVER EXISTTTT YIPEEEEE]"]{ [KID A MNESIA IS THE BEST ALBUM TO EVER EXISTTTT YIPEEEEE] Friday, September 1, 2023 11:46 AM I CANT GET ENOUGH, THIS DARN ALBUM DRIVIN ME WILD, YALL, MY GOD, I SEE A MILLION COLORS IN THE SOUNDS AND SMELL A MILLION THINGS; I PLAY THE WHOLE THREE DISKS ON HEAVY ROTATION DEEP REPEAT AND IT OPENS MY MIND OHHHH STILL, GOOD MY ALLFATHERS AND GOOD MY ALLMOTHERS THIS IS THE BEST ALBUM EVER CONCEPTUALIZED BY MAN. } [(VOIDSCREAM)"PS2 tomfoolery"]{ PS2 tomfoolery Friday, September 1, 2023 11:49 AM Uh me and monsterr.party cracked open a PS2 and cleaned it out after goin game shopping and we went wild and yes. 10/10 would be a silly goofy goober again, highly recommend. }