

photos. I take good ones, I guess?? Idk. I like it.

I use a well-loved and lived-in [CAMERA MODEL REDACTED] and occasionally a [360-DEGREE CAMERA MODEL REDACTED] along with the inferior but still very well-appreciated [MOBILE PHONE MODEL REDACTED]. All of these cameras are beloved old friends, which come with me everywhere. <3

If you like my stuff, uhh too bad. :))

~ photographia index ~

photographia!! woohoo !
^.the main bunch of photographs. People tell me they're real swell sometimes.

^info about photographia - spoiler: I'm not for hire by outsiders. sorry, lmao.

linked photographias
^sometimes I use photographias around the web. this way I can control exactly how they're presented when I use a hyperlinked photo !

enjoy photographia ! :D